Tackmaker By Day...

...Painter by night! Sort of...I don't repaint models often, but I needed something to help me calm down tonight.  Unfortunately, dapple grey was probably not the best choice, but I can't handle bays or chestnuts in acrylic and can't be bothered with pastels at 8pm.

Here's how it went down...

Alright! Base coated (ish) in acrylic, feeling pretty good!

Dapples, attempt 498...ready to chuck her at a wall.

Take 3: In Which the Derwent Pencil and I Come to An Agreement
You only see her right side because....that's all that's done! I'll keep picking at her, and probably put her back on the shelf for months after tonight.


  1. I love that color and I think your dapples came out rather well. Just in the last pic, near her head, it looks a bit like some white paint spilled onto the grey of her neck and it's making her look a little funky to me. If you just softened that spot up, I think she would look a thousand times better. Otherwise, I think she looks great. I can't wait to see the other side once you finish it.


  2. Ooooh, looking GOOD! I haven't yet mastered dapple greys and funnily enough would much rather handle a bay or chestnut! XD

  3. I'm still working on my prepping, and making sure the pastels seal properly. I keep on getting little spots of unsealed pastels all over my horses.

    I love how the dapple grey's coming - I'm not brave enough (yet) to try one.

  4. Very nice! Love the dapples. Worth the pain and heartache :P

  5. wow!!! looking VERY good!!! i've been a bit daunted by the thought of doing a dapple grey, so have never tried one yet!!!
